How to Boost Your Mood - Friends, Happiness, Life

How to Boost Your Mood - Friends, Happiness, Life

To begin, I must admit that this is my very first blog post. I have contemplated starting a blog for several months now, especially since the inception of Simpatico. Although I was unsure of the best way to approach it and what to discuss, one recurring thought persisted: the concept of kindness and how it influenced Simpatico’s creation.

I also want to admit that even though I discuss and write about kindness, I am not immune to occasionally getting upset with people, particularly in traffic. I think I am getting better at handling that, although my son may have a different opinion.

So, how does one go about boosting one's mood? Here is what I have noticed, it all starts with gratitude and that affects our attitude. Being genuinely grateful and focusing on what we have provides peace and balance to our daily life and helps us plot a course and keep moving on.

And one thing that I have, and I am grateful for, is friends, all kinds of friends. Some friends are new, some are old, some are young, and some are no longer here. Some are mentors, coaches, and confidants and some are mentees, starting life, careers, families, etc. Some I have met briefly in passing. never learned their name or seen them again, some I met recently, and some friends I have known all my life. When I focus on celebrating friendships, I find happiness in sharing words and acts of kindness and letting friends know that they are present in my life. In a nutshell, that is what is about. Find Friends, Hone Happiness, and Live Life and that is my recommendation on How to Boost Your Mood.

But I am not the only one saying this; “Research has shown that a simple act of kindness directed toward another improves the functioning of the immune system and stimulates the production of serotonin in both the recipient of the kindness and the person extending the kindness. Kindness extended, received, or observed beneficially impacts the physical health and feelings of everyone involved.” – Wayne Dyer.

When a kind person spreads a little kindness to another human being, that kind gesture allows us to see the true beauty of the soul. I have been blessed with receiving random and unsolicited acts of kindness from complete strangers, and sometimes I have been granted the gift of being witness to the kindness of the human spirit between passing strangers. Out of one act of kindness from a stranger is born a flame of hope - Anonymous.

Kindness makes everything better. We can share kindness with people, practice random kindness, and accept kindness when it is given to us. It is up to us to choose to be kind. Who will you show kindness to? It would be wonderful if you offer your kindness to first-time bloggers.

Mucho Love and Be Kind!

J. Tovar

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This is just beautiful, Jose. You exemplify this. This is one of your gifts to the world.

Friendships are the most valuable thing we have – Hard Stop. Everything else is perishable; our careers, our health, our wealth, our possessions, and even our memories in some cases. But if we have true friendships, we have all we need through our good times and bad.

This is a timeless message for everyone. Thank you for sharing. Please keep your blog rolling!

Don Copeland


Can I just Say MUITO BEM?!?

Your Blog is very well said and has inspired me today. You see sometimes I and maybe we, get wrapped up in life and self. I often forget that it is easy to be Kind and love and forgive those around me. The simple acts of Kindness and Serving others really is the secret to living a fulfilled and happy life. These actions also, constitutes the beginning of building long lasting relationships of trust. To choose the attitude of Kindness and Gratitude even when others or I myself am not being Kind and Grateful is not impossible although sometimes it may be a fight with my own self to be kind especially in traffic lol however, after reading this blog it reminded me of several statements from my mother that she says to me every now and then… she says “ Andrew, you seem unhappy?!? Go serve someone!!!… What good have you done in the world today? Have you helped anyone in need? Have you cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?” To coin one of her favorite hymns. She also says “ TURN THE CHANNEL FROM ONE TO TWO meaning stop concentrating on you and serve, love and help others and see how you feel after. To my chagrin she is right! To get to the point, Thank you for the SIMPATICO movement. I am reminded. I can and will do better! Grateful for the reminder today and your influence Irmãozão.

Andrew Stott

Love to read about the beneficial ways we can find and give kindness in the world. Many situations in life are simply better when adopting a mentally charitable outlook (especially traffic!).

Ethan Dyer

Well said my friend, thank you for enriching the lives of those around you with your love, grace, and compassion. Caritas!

Bobby Juchen

Jose, your first blog post truly resonates with the importance of kindness, its impact on our mood and well-being, and the emphasis on gratitude and its influence on our attitude. What stands out in your blog post is being genuinely grateful and focusing on what we can bring peace and balance to our lives.

I particularly appreciate your celebration of friendships and how they contribute to your happiness. Friends come in all forms and play various roles in our lives, and acknowledging their presence and being kind to them can lead to a fulfilling life.

The inclusion of research by Wayne Dyer about the positive effects of kindness on both the giver and receiver reinforces the power of being kind to others. The examples of receiving random acts of kindness from strangers and witnessing kindness between strangers highlight the beauty of the human spirit.

In conclusion, your blog post reminds us that kindness makes everything better and suggests that we can all choose to be kind to one another. It’s a beautiful message, and I commend you for spreading positivity and encouraging others to be kind.

Mucho love and kindness indeed!

Vincent Fernald

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